Best Tips on How to End the First Date without Feeling Dumb

First dates are special. They make you feel nervous before, during, and even after! Ending them right is tricky, and you may feel awkward just standing there and not knowing how to end it well. Get armed with these tips to help you make a brilliant final of your night out.
Avoid Feeling Awkward With These Tips for the First Date Ending
This list of 8 tips will help you handle the situation best and avoid being too nervous.

- Keep it short
It's not a good idea to plan lots of stuff for your first date. These are bound to be short, just to get an idea of whether you are into her or not. So, plan a time you are willing to spend on the first date and stick with your agenda. This will help you to avoid awkwardness. Let her know about your plans right away at the very beginning.
If you linger and do it later, she may think you are not into her and try to escape. So, be honest and tell her about your plans before you even know if you like the girl or not. - Make it casual
How you end the date greatly depends on where you plan to have it. The best location is the casual one, where you can leave at any time. For instance, you do not like the girl, but you two sit and watch the movie. How do you end that date? You leave yourself no way of escape!
So, pick a more casual place, such as a bowling or mini-golf location. If you two are into each other, you can spend more time there. If not, you end and leave. - Try to give her a kiss
Only if she is hot and you just love her. This would let you know if she likes you or not. If she gives you a cheek, well, you are not that lucky. If she kisses you on the lips, you can ask her out again and get a positive answer. However, carefully watch for the signs she is in for the kiss. You can find tips on that in other articles on our blog.
After all, you do not want to spend time investing money into a girl that does not really like you. She might be just using you to get out because she has a free night. So, risk it and try a kiss as the end. - Book the next date
That is if you want it, of course. It's a good ending. Even if she says "no," you get informed and spare yourself the trouble and nerves of calling her later to find out. Make a plan ahead of time. Think of an event you two can attend, such as a garage concert or something else you like, and ask her out. - Walk or take her home
This is a must unless she wants it otherwise. At times girls do not trust men they meet online and do not want them to know where they live. That's ok. But if she likes it, walk or take her home. Get out of the car with her and say goodbye or possibly kiss the girl. Or at least touch her hand or arm and wish her goodnight. - Do not say these phrases
Unless you want to make things worse, never use such phrases as: "It was nice, let's meet again sometime." It shows you were not that happy with the date, and you let them know about it. You dump a bucket of cold water down their neck. Be nice to the girl and avoid such things. - End with a cute joke
Tease her a bit and let her know you like her and wish to meet again, but with some humor. Spice it up, so to say. However, overdoing it is bad! Make sure you think things through and give her the right amount of humor. - Set the exact time of the next date
Instead of saying: let's meet sometime, set the time: tomorrow, next Wednesday, the upcoming weekend, etc. This shows you are really into the girl and makes her feel better.
Critical Mistakes to Avoid when Ending the Very First Date
Now you know what things to do to finish the date well, but what mistakes guys make to ruin everything? These will give you a hint on what not to do ending that date.

- Pretend you are interested when you are not
You will have to tell the truth later on, so why lie now? Just be honest and kind. - Not to walk her home when she expects you to do it
It's rude, and even if you like her, do not hope for another date if you make this mistake. - Making a date wait for days until you call
If you are into her, call her few minutes after you two-part or a few hours later. The next day is the latest, but if you make her wait 2-3 days or more, that's a mistake. - Being too nervous
Yes, it's nice. It shows you like the girl, but it makes you act dumb and be clumsy. So, keep your emotions a bit down and take your nerves under control to win her over. Show her some self-confidence women love in men. - Not paying attention to her body language
You may go for a kiss when the girl clearly indicates: she does not want it. Or miss the signs and opportunity to kiss her when she shows you: go ahead!
As you see, these tips and mistakes can turn things around. Surely, there is no one for all solutions. You will still feel a bit awkward ending the date, but with these tips, you can gather your wits and build up your self-confidence to finish it the best way possible.
How to End a First Date: Basic Rules For Everyone
The first date is always lumpy, like that pancake. It's a rare occasion when everything goes smoothly. There are so many jambs that it's scary to remember later. And then the worm of doubt begins to sharpen: how to behave after the first date?
Yes, of course, some awkwardness is present, and it can develop into complete delirium of the paranoid. As a result, the end is sad. So, to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to conduct a debriefing.
First Date Tips: Thoughts Aloud

First, you need to understand that this is the first date after all. Don't jump to conclusions. The approach to this issue should be versatile. After all, every coin has two sides. The date can be pleasant or disappointing. But in any case, this is the first meeting, and it is too early to draw conclusions. They will be wrong and biased.
Of course, it is far from the fact that the attraction will arise from the first minutes. It is unlikely. Chopping off the shoulder, refusing a second meeting is shortsighted and rash. A person should definitely be given a second chance. The first date's initiator should invite again, and the invitee should not refuse to meet again. Everything may go completely differently. If the date went great, and the rosiest memories remain, then you should not flatter yourself. It's just the euphoria from the first meeting, at which everyone is trying to behave as beautifully as possible. Self-digging is not the best method of analysis. You can get into such a jungle and pile up such towns that you will not get out. Moreover, the scale of fantasies can really go off the scale, but the truth, as always, will be somewhere nearby.
There is no need to cling to trifles: "and he looked like this," "and she touched it like that." The person is also nervous and on the verge of hysteria. The fact that his left eye twitches is quite normal and does not mean that he is hysterical, and trembling hands are not an indicator of hidden alcoholism. Yes, all sorts of little things can slightly open the veil of the mystery of the essence of this individual, but it is unrealistic to compose a portrait from them.
What to Say at the End of the Date
The question of a second date is always confusing. If the offer or consent was not received immediately, then you should not despair. People also need to understand their feelings. It is wiser to make a short pause, but with a seed for the near future. For example, the phrase could sound like this: "It was an interesting time to spend, I would like to talk again. May I call you?" Even if you don't really want to call, you can simply disappear. Nobody owes anything to anyone. This is just a face-to-face meeting. Likewise, you can also refuse easily without any obligations and fear of offending a person. Still, there should be a second chance.
Etiquette of the First Date: Don'ts Check List

Intuition is a powerful thing, and it is foolish to neglect it. Alarm bells can sound throughout the whole date. For a more objective assessment, it is necessary to pay attention to a person's behavior in a fleeting situation, for example, communicating with a waiter. Constant silence with a sour expression and thoughtless picking at the plate can also play a role. It is immediately clear that a person is definitely not ice, and there simply cannot be a second chance a priori. Why rape your psyche if a person is unpleasant?
The notorious spark on the first date may not slip through. But that doesn't mean anything yet. But if a person is specifically uninteresting and does not attract in any way, then there is no need to waste your time, however, like him too. Based on the above, you can poke around in ice cream with a spoon and periodically glance at your phone. It is not worth portraying genuine interest. Otherwise, this theater of one actor will finish off both. Sometimes, it seems, and not happy with the meeting, but there was something in it. Then you can sacrifice one more evening, and suddenly the sacrifice will not be in vain.
Rules of Communication After the First Date
If the interest in further communication has not faded away, then you can write a simple message. It could be a thank you for a great time. It is not necessary to sprinkle with metaphors and epithets and even more so to crumble with monograms of feelings. It is enough just to comment that it was great and there is a desire to meet again. Once upon a time, etiquette prescribed to maintain a temporary pause, something about three days. Now this relic of the past has gone into oblivion only because the world has become more mobile and dynamic. Therefore, such a message can be sent, if not immediately, then the next day for sure.
Social networks and instant messengers are a great bridge to continue communication. They help relieve some of the awkwardness that arose on the first date. If a person is a "friend," you can place a post on your wall with a hint reflected in the person's tape. This will be a great confirmation of the emotions that the evening caused. If there is no person in the "friends," then there is no need to start knocking "take me as a friend." It's too intrusive. Moreover, it is not a fact that a person wants to continue.